Vb6 Calculator Project Download
im making a program that gives you the age of the person that enters there date of birth
3g unrestrictor 5.2 1 cracked. Project: Monthly Payment Calculator – To download it for free (scroll down) This project is developed using VB.NET. From this program, the user can easily calculate the monthly payments on loan using the terms of 3 years through 5 years & Interest rates of 5% to 10%.
the code i got at the moment is:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim age As String
age = Month(Now) - Text4.Text
If age < 0 Then
age = 1
age = 0
End If
Text3.Text = '
Text3.Text = Text3.Text & 'Name: ' & Text1.Text & vbCrLf
Text3.Text = Text3.Text & 'Gender: ' & Text6.Text & vbCrLf
Text3.Text = Text3.Text & 'Date of Birth: ' & Format(Text2.Text, '##') & '/' & Format(Text4.Text, '##') & '/' & Format(Text5.Text, '####') & vbCrLf
Text3.Text = Text3.Text & 'Age: ' & (Year(Now) - Format(Text5.Text, '####')) - age & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
Text3.Text = Text3.Text & 'Age in Months: ' & ((Year(Now) - Format(Text5.Text, '####')) - age) * 12 + Text4.Text & vbCrLf
Text3.Text = Text3.Text & 'Age in Weeks: ' & Int(((Year(Now) - Text5.Text) * 52) + (((Month(Now) - 1) - Text4.Text) * 4)) & vbCrLf
End Sub
Build Vb6 Project
Private Sub Text6_Change()
Text6.Text = UCase(Text6.Text)
TicketClass = Text6.Text
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Select Case TicketClass
Case 'F'
Text6.Text = 'Femail'
Class = True
Case 'M'
Text6.Text = 'Male'
Class = True
End Select
End Sub
Project Calculator Free
i need to know if this is right and what i can do for the days hours minuets seconds etc.
Vb6 Calculator Project Download
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